• Welcome to The Coaching Zone Initiative

The Coaching Zone Masterclass

The Coaching Zone Masterclass is offered online and face-to-face in either six 75-minute sessions or three 2.5 hour sessions that covers all the building blocks.  Customized time options are also available. Coaches have the opportunity to spend the necessary time and space to reflect on their own coaching based on the three principles of The Coaching Zone – Coaching Self-Management; Leading and Empowering Athletes; and Choreographing the Team Dance.  Participating coaches receive a signed copy of The Coaching Zone and are assigned chapters to read, exercises to complete, and time to reflect. Coaches commit their time and space and open-up to learning different ways of coaching.  Besides content delivery, coaches reinforce strategies and learn from each other in discussion groups.

Coach Outcomes:

    • Enhance your self-awareness and understanding your own strengths, blind spots, and styles in your coaching.
    • Know how to more effectively connect with your athletes, how to direct them toward further improvement, and when to let them take the lead in their own development.
    • Boost your systems thinking, responding effectively to the rhythms and patterns of your team, as well building and maintain a healthy culture.

What coaches are saying:

“I thought yesterday’s discussions really brought me back to why I love coaching and what my purpose as a coach should be. I want to commit to being a better coach by “remembering the why” and bring me back to the reasons I have chosen this profession when we hit the rough spots. The last two years have provided tremendous hurdles and resulted in several situations that made coaching challenging, but a day like yesterday energized me to get back to the reasons I got into this. For the first time in my coaching career, I actually felt like this was a job due to the pandemic and I felt dedicating those couple hours we did yesterday as a staff to talk (and listen) about coaching got me excited to move forward as our season approaches.”

——- Kevin Bettencourt, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Endicott College


“I am finding the book and your session yesterday to be a great boost and refresher and reminder for me of my “why”. Too often I get caught in the stress of the season and wanting everything to be perfect. I am focusing more these past few weeks on reminding myself to be patient, be present and remember my why and not focusing on where I want my team to be in November!”

——- Jodi Kenyon, Head Women’s Soccer Coach, Endicott College


“I think the biggest thing that stuck out to me was when we discussed what we wanted from our athletes and what we wanted for our athletes. It was pretty consistent that all the coaches wanted effort and things that had to do with athletics when it came to what they wanted from their athletes, but not so much when we talked about what they wanted for them. Most of the coaches in our group were more focused on success outside of athletics. It was really neat to see how the coaches were worrying more about the kinds of people they were molding rather than just the kinds of athletes! There are times I have to step back and remember that myself.”

——- LaVille High School, IN Coach